- Ladang Rengo Malay Estate deals with the palm oil industry. Abdul Aziz b Atan was one of the employees of the company at that time.
- After a few years, there had been a change of structure in the means of shareholders in the company; Ladang Rengo Malay Estate. All the shareholders transferred shares to other people and thus this create a confusion among the employees.
- Abdul Aziz b Atan considered the employers had been changed and hence, there were changed in Employment Agreement ; where he thought their (the employees) agreement has ended (the end of employment). They claimed they have the pension benefit.
- Ladang Rengo Malay Estate rejected their wished and thus they did not want to pay the pension
- Abdul Aziz B Atan still claimed that they have the pension benefit.
- Any changes in structures or shareholders does not change or affect in any way of the company identity including the employment agreement.
- Perpetual concession - stay on no matter who's the shareholders, taken into account that the company is not liquidated.
- Courts rejected Abdul Aziz b Atan & others claimed
- Appoints that Ladang Rengo Malay Estate won.
References :
Business Law class; Lecture by Mr Sonny Zulhuda :D
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